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Devin Halvorsen

Section 088

Hello! As the giant heading above states, I'm Devin! I am currently a student at North Carolina State University and I am planning on going into Biomedical Engineering or Biomaterials. I am involved in the theatre program here at NC State, which is a bit odd coming from an engineering major, but I love it so I keep at it. At home I have my parents, a younger sister, two younger brothers, and a dog named Lacy. I graduated from the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics last year, and my sister decided to follow in my footsteps and is currently attending NCSSM (that's her next to me in the picture)! Some unique things about me are that I know over 100 digits of pi, I was an Residential Life Assistant at NCSSM, and this past summer I traveled to Ireland and Rome. 


The purpose of this website is to inform its readers of my accomplishments in ENG101.

Here Are Some Things and Stuff That I Enjoy!

My FAVOURITE Music Video

Thoughts on Writing

Writing is used to put the thoughts and words of the writer into a medium where others can potentially access this information. This can be for several purposes such as entertainment, to teach others, or to argue a point. Writing can utilize many techniques, be incredibly personal, and can cause people to move to action. Therefore, it is difficult to say what "good" writing is, as we discussed earlier in the year. Writing is just the method of sending infromation, its interpretation relies on the reader. 


Writing can incorporated methods to make you interpret it in certain ways. Of these methods, the most important are perhaps ethos, logos, and pathos. When it comes to persuading your audience to think a certain way, these rhetorical tools are essential. Furthermore, utilizing concepts such as genre and discourse can have a prevalent effect on one's writing. 


Finally, the medium in which a writing is published has an impact on the writing itself. Where a work is published has an effect of to how it will be distributed, and who will have access to your writing. Using the internet is a good way to ensure your writing is available to a large mass of people. Furthermore, with the use of images and other multimedia readily available, your writing can be affected by these aspects.

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